Marsh grass

Crossing the Marshes

Having left the park on my walk this week across the marshes and down to the river, the wild flowers were out and the birds were singing in the sunshine.

There were the usual items of flotsam as well of course, brought up by the tide – that’s why these are salt marshes. Continue reading

Forest tunnel

Forest Sounds – Reviewing the Walk

The images I have selected to review my walk this week are from three separate walks in a local woodland. Tow of these were sunny and quiet, one was more windy.

Forest Walk

The peaceful forest was quiet in comparison to the place on a windy day, but that does not mean there was not plenty to be heard, not by a long chalk. Continue reading

Forest detail

Fork in the Footpath

I had a choice to make on my walk as there was a fork in the footpath. I thought I was familiar with both options but discovered otherwise after turning left.

Fork in the footpath

I was heading back by this time. Having taken in some of the details and views of and from the forest I decided to extend my walk and in doing so Continue reading

Forest steps

In the Pink and Green

Summer walks in the woods reveal the pink flowers and the green grass in sunlight.

Forest Foxgloves

While there is plenty of shade under the trees – indeed the forest is often darker than usual because of the density to foliage – there are also pockets or glades of sunlight picking out the Continue reading

Forest mosaic

My Walk this Week – Forest Walkabout

Back in Wales again and I am enjoying my familiar walks in the local forest. I say familiar, but it always seems there is something new to see and hear.

Forest view

I was recently surprised to find a path I was unfamiliar with, noticing it only because I was walking in the opposite direction to that which I would normally and being in a part of the woods I visit less frequently. Continue reading


Wildlife Watching

Still reporting back after our holiday in south west Scotland, my photos this week from my walks there focus initially on some of the wildlife to be seen if your lucky enough.

Young Roe Deer

June was a month where the young were getting adventurous and exploring away from their parents. This young roe deer came down to the beach in front of us wandered around in curiosity for a while before obviously hearing the call of its mother and bolting off to find her again.Continue reading

inner stone

Stone Hunting

You can’t let the weather stop you when it comes to stone hunting or if you prefer, beach combing.

In fact wet weather can be a bonus as the colours will be highlighted by the water. I have been very selective in my choice of images below but perhaps Continue reading