Tree Arrangement

Dorset tree arrangement

Found on my walk this week in 2012, this arrangement of trees on top a Dorset hill seemed ancient and magical. I enjoy the formal espalier arrangements of trees that we often create with fruit trees and I like the formal pattern of tree avenues in France, but this is something different again and seems like very typically English.Continue reading

Woodland Comfort – Fallen Tree Bedroom

My walk this week goes back to May 2010 which is before the time that this screen of hanging tendrils from a fallen tree formed a curtain for the space beneath. It was being used as a shelter/bivouac/bedroom by a person I never saw. There was only the evidence of him being there Continue reading

Forest Formation

Forest formation

My walk this week is from 2010 but the post title “Forest Formation” does not refer to the past of the trees so much as the rocky ridge feature near the footpath that I often like to sit on and soak up the atmosphere of the place. Continue reading

My Walk this Week – Past Walks 2, Forest

Dappled sunlight

This is the second week of six where I am looking back at walks I have taken in the past, this one features a much loved forest woodland which I have enjoyed many, many times and in all seasonal conditions. My walk this week focuses on images I took in May 2010 before I had my Canon DSLR cameras. Continue reading

Botanic Beauty in Death

Swansea Botanic camelia

While walking around Swansea’s botanic gardens we came upon a substantial camellia. Being well through Springtime the shrub was completing its cycle, but I find as much beauty in the death of these flowers as in their wonderfully coloured life. We have one in our own garden and every year it is a spectacle to enjoy.Continue reading